Improving appetite regulation

Promoting healing & prevention of gastric ulcers

Maintaining gut flora balance

Enhancing skin & hair pigmentation

Boosting immune system strength

Decreasing incidence of disease

Bioavailable form of vitamin E

"I recommend this product to feed to your showpigs from the day you put them on feed until you send them to the ring for the final time!"


Chad Orum - Ag Science Teacher Seminole ISD

One of my duties as a ag teacher is to advise students with show pig projects. We usually feed around 125 pigs a year to show at the county show and Texas Majors. We feed some feed additives and to help develop them to there up most potential. I usually feed them first to try on my kids pigs before I recommend them to my ag students. Gut health and ulcers is always a concern. From the start to the finish, we need them on feed! I have had issue with ulcers before and wanted to be more pro active and find a product to help with my ulcer issue.

I decided to use your vet med product on my son’s pigs this year. I admitted the product orally with a small drench gun. The pigs would get up and come to the gate to get it. I was impressed with how well they like the taste of it! I had one pig ulcer this year. It was my fault because I was not giving enough vet med due to what he weighed. I was also giving him a heavy amount of Paylean and trying to burn some fat off the crest of his neck. I was about 3 weeks from my county show. This barrow did develop a bleeding ulcer, the worst I have experienced in quite some time!

I contacted Mehgan and she sent me a product to address the ulcer. The next 3 weeks were rough. He lost 30 lbs . I was drenching him with Vet Med and Ensure to keep him alive. Then he decided he wanted to eat again and did he! We had to Paylean him hard again and I knew it could be risky! He ended up 4th at Houston and never missed another feeding!

I recommend this product to feed to your showpigs from the day you put them on feed until you send them to the ring for the final time!